Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cookie Fun!

Part of getting into the Christmas Spirit is baking up a storm!!! From as far back as I can remember, baking cookies and other various goodies has surrounded December 25th. I remember being knee-high to a grasshopper and my mom lining the countertops with fudge, nedhams, thumbprints, peanut butter blossoms, spritz, and many other cookies. Of course it was always a convenient gift to give friends and co-workers...not to mention she had 3 girls and a husband who all LOVED her confections!
There was one day in particular I LOVED before Christmas though. It was our cookie-decorating day. Mom's friend Candy would come over with her two girls- Kiley and Kristen. We would literally spend what felt like the entire day creating the most beautiful cookies! All the kids would try to make the BEST-decorated cookies. Meanwhile the adults would create "naughty cookies." No wonder Santa never came for them! I can remember singing along to the Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers Christmas CD.... and the soundtrack to The Sound of Music. ...oh to be little again!

So it's no wonder as the 25th approaches I start getting the itch to bake. This Saturday I loaded the Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers CD into the player and sang along while creating some cookies. Man, if only we could've created some cookies this awesome when we were little....

This one is my fave:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

book club cake!

Our last book club meeting was for the book: The Help. It was a fantastic story and I just HAD to bring a caramel cake to our meeting. Several times in the book the caramel cake was mentioned. Here is part of the process....

Cakes baked and cooling

The LONG process of making the caramel frosting. This took about an hr!
Boiling the evaporated milk and sugar. mmmmmm
Starting to look more caramely!
Oh yeah!

All I did was pour the caramel on, and it did this!

Caramel cake is complete! And delicious!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Have you heard???

Have you heard about this new movie, "Waiting for Superman?" I'm kinda lit up about the whole topic. Oprah's had a couple episodes focused on the topic. I just can't believe that someone is just NOW speaking up about the whole thing. Here's the gist..... teachers are tenured, it's impossible to get rid of the crappy ones. They get shuffled from class to class, school to school, and there's nothing the district can do about it bc of teacher contract. On another note people are bashing the public school system- saying that because of these contracts teachers are under, the schools perform poorly. In order for kids to get a good education you have to pay for it or get into a charter school.

Now, there are some things here which are entirely TRUE in my district. Some which are false. I suppose it depends on where you work. Personally I think my school is fantastic. We're public and we have a good deal of parent support which is part of the reason why we're as successful as we are. I will say however, from my perspective there are definitely some teachers who make me wonder why they bother. It's apparent that these teachers are miserable. They obviously don't take their job as seriously as others. I'm not trying to toot my own horn but I try to do my best, and when I see people taking advantage of the system it's incredibly frustrating.

So here's the low-down at my school right now. We've been asked this school year to make sure we have a 2-hour reading block. This is excellent and highly necessary! However, we were told to make it work with our normal 8-215 day. So once numbers are crunched we're essentially asked to fit 7 hours of required teaching into a 6 hour and 15 min day. So how have they solved this??? They tell us that the 30 mins a day required for social studies will only be utilized on our days we have pe (ahem, that's 2 days a week)...all other days the SS block is used for recess. (And yes, I did the math, I'm still short 15 mins.) Does this make sense to you??? No? Me neither!

Let's really focus on Social Studies for a minute..... this is where kids learn about communities, geography, government, economics, etc..... apparently that's not important??? If you ask me, I'd say it should be up there in our core subjects. How are these kids going to make an educated decision about voting in the future when they don't even know what state they live in....let alone their address and phone number??? Incredible.

So I'm ranting about all this and what is my solution??? GIVE US AN EXTENDED SCHOOL DAY INSTEAD OF GIVING US 1/2 DAYS TWICE A MONTH. Instead of our district giving us more time to teach the required subjects, they take away our time with our kids to give us planning time. Don't get me wrong, I need the planning time....but what's more important???? I say the kids are our top priority. I'm on their side.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A cookie a day.....

Don't you just LOVE baking??? Well, I do! There's something about making cookies that I L-O-V-E. Actually, lots of things I love about making cookies.

First of all, aren't homemade cookies 100 times better than the ones you can buy in a store??? I definitely think so. When you buy them in the store you miss out on so much----- the cookie dough tasting----the smell of the cookies in the oven----the satisfaction of a completed project----the first taste right out of the oven----the overall craftiness of creating your own----the look on people's faces when they taste your homemade cookie.

mmmmmmmmmmmm nothing like it! will someone come and clean the dishes?!

These were my back-to-school creations...pencils and apples!

The dough from my ultimate oatmeal cookies (with craisins and chocolate chips)~ thanks to mom's recipe!

In the oven, gettin' pretty!

The end result of the ultimate oatmeal cookies. SO tasty!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

adam and brianne's excellent purse adventure

Leading up to our trip to NYC, when asked what I wanted to do in the city I would respond jokingly (ahem, seriously) "get a knock-off coach purse!!" This bothered Adam to no end. He couldn't believe that of ALLLLLLL the things to do in the city, I would want to get a purse! No mention of the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, or a Broadway show.... no, this girl wanted a purse. (Of course I wanted to see and do all sorts of things, but it's the purse I wanted as a souvenir.)

Eventually Adam came to accept the fact that I was a girl on a mission! We asked around before heading into the city and it seemed we needed to head to China Town. I wasn't sure what Chinese food had to do with purses, but I took their word for it and made it a goal.

So our first day in NYC we made sure our tour bus headed down to China Town..... specifically looking for "Canal St." Little did we know what we were in store for. We got off the bus and refueled ourselves with a "hot" (COLD, hard) pretzel and some infamous street meat (aka hot dog). Then we were off. Once we got to Canal St. it was utter chaos. People walking this way and that, stores that reminded me of Old Orchard Beach (there's a Maine shout-out!!), for those of you unfamiliar with this glorious Maine beach town, basically they were stores filled with CRAP. I walked into a couple places with purses but they definitely weren't knock-offs, they were just cheap crap. So I started asking the little chinese people if they had anything looking like coach. I kept getting NO for an answer. Oh and by the way, although there were 1.2 million people walking around these places, it was verrrrry quiet. Almost creepily quiet. One crappy hall we walked down had small "offices" of different purses. One chinese child (yes, she was a kid!) was able to show me a couple coach knock offs she had in a locked drawer, but none were THE purse. Meanwhile I hear a man on a walkie-talkie say they are going to open a secret room. Adam and I get excited and walk over to the secret room door and I asked the ladies standing around, "what's in the room?????" (maybe too loudly- because none of them would look at me.) Eventually one woman whispered, "purses." I peeked in there and they didn't look all that great.

As Adam and I continued walking down Canal St, a little chinese lady whispers to me as I'm about to pass her, "Chanel? Coach?" I respond with a quick, "yes!" and she has us follow her. She gets on her walkie-talkie and says something in Chinese that we don't understand. I look to Adam and we both start cracking up! We're definitely in the black market in New York City now!! The little lady weaves in and out of other padestrians and eventually comes to a stop at a corner. I'm looking at her questioningly-wondering what to do from here- her walkie-talkie buzzes to life, again we can't understand it. She tells me to head down the street to where there's a store with a blue shirt hanging. We go in and another chinese woman tells us to wait by the "back door." Mind you- a guy from the Sopranos is already waiting with a big black duffle bag and another couple soon joins us too. Within a couple seconds, the door is opened and a chinese man rushes us into the room... it's EMPTY! The nervous giggles start erupting out of my mouth. I look to Adam and he doesn't seem worried so I decide to go with the flow! Once the door is closed and locked, YES LOCKED (!!!), he walks across the room to another door and proceeds to unlock it. Behold the walls of Chanel and Coach purses (and the angels sing, Ahhhhh!)! I couldn't believe my eyes. It didn't look like a regular store where you'd find a purse or bag, there were shelves lining the walls from floor to ceiling, all shelves were stacked with purses. This is every woman's dream! I scanned the shelves and eventually found the Coach purses I was looking for. The colors were endless: green, black, brown, tan, pink.... I could go on! After trying on each one Adam helped me choose a chocolate brown one. I wanted to buy all of them...but didn't have enough cash! So I paid the woman the $43 bucks I had.

When we were ready to be let out of purse prison Tony Soprano was still unpacking his duffle bag of knock offs. Not sure WHAT was going on there, but since I had just purchased a purse from the black market, I probably didn't have room to ask!

Things I learned: #1. Don't talk loudly on canal st. or no one will show you their "secret locked stores."
#2. They sell more than chinese food in NYC china town!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New York Trip

Oh my... where to start?! This New York trip was a BLAST. We flew into Long Island and stayed a few days with Adam's parents. I got to meet 5 of his 14 nieces/nephews and a couple adult family members too. I had no idea what to expect from Long Island. All I knew was there were vineyards there....and boy are they gorgeous! We got there in the evening and by the time we got to his parents house it was dark out. But from what I could see it was reminding me very much of Maine. Pine trees galore!

We spent our first day with Tammy, Adam's future sister in law. She took us out for some AMAZING BBQ (sorry no pics of that.... just picture messy BBQ sauced up wings and sandwiches, corn on the cob, fries, mac and cheese- the works.) We went around Greenport which is a very cute town on the water, drove by many vineyards...etc. etc. and ended the night with some ice cream (my kinda ending!).

The following day we spent at the beach with Adam's sister Chrissy and her family. We had lots of fun with them playing in the water and got some authentic NY pizza for lunch- oh my GOSH it was so good!

I think the following day Adam and I headed into the city. As soon as I stepped outside I realized I was looking UP so much. The buildings and the architecture there is breathtaking. So we ended up checking into our hotel on Broadway- right on the corner of times square and going on one of those double decker bus tours. So cool. We got to see everything downtown and I took sooooo many pictures my camera battery died before the tour was over! Needless to say I was very bummed- I left my charger in long island. But thankfully I had my iphone which takes pretty decent pictures. The following day in the city we went to Rockefeller Center and took a tour of NBC studios. It was very neat. We got to see the sets for the shows- Dr. Oz, SNL, and Jimmy Fallon. I guess I had never thought much about what the set would look like if you were there for a taping- totally not like on tv. They wouldn't let us take pictures there, so if you want to see it, you'll have to go!

We wrapped up our trip back in Long Island where I got to meet Adam's brother Jason and his family. Thanks to Keegan and Bennett- their kids (Devyn and Jordyn) loved the talking tom app on my phone. haha

All in all it was a great trip...I can't wait to go back! (look for my next blog on the purse adventure!)

We FINALLY got to see a sunset together!

In NYC.... Statue of Liberty is behind us.

Love this pic of Adam in m&m world.....

My first glimpse of NYC... @ Penn Station

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I am heading to NY in 3 hours!! I can't wait. :) This is my end of summer trip, I can't believe how fast it's gone by. I bought a new lunch box last night and it all started to hit me.... school starts in 20ish days. As of right now I'm not ready to go back to work...hopefully the transition comes when I come back from my trip.

This is the first trip Adam and I have taken together, and to top it off, I'm meeting his family! This is serious, folks! haha I have no idea what I'm in for, he's planning everything we're doing but I'm sure it'll be fabulous. I have never been to NYC and I can't wait to see all these places from the movies and tv. I will definitely be taking LOTS of pictures and blogging when I get home (if I'm not too busy getting ready for the "real world." ~ha!)

Well, I can't think of anything else to type right I'm out!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

cutest baby...ever!

Okay...I don't think I'm being partial because I'm related to little miss avery mackenzie, but seriously people. She's the cutest thing of 2010. I'm officially giving her the award. If People magazine made a cutest baby edition, she would be on the cover, for sure! I was sooooooo excited to go to Ohio...and had been looking forward to the trip since May 25th. It had been about 8 years since I held a baby but within 5 minutes of holding Avery, I was a pro again! The best thing about the timing of the trip was that she was beginning to smile and would almost get into a laugh. Her face did the laughing movement, but there wasn't any sound. TOO cute! So I spent 6 days in baby bliss! Avery is such a happy baby and this made her Tante (me) very happy. I don't know about you, but when babies cry it makes me sweat! This girl rarely cries. Maybe she's hungry, has a tummy ache, or just needs her pacifier...other than that she's a wiggly smiling girl! I can't wait for the next time I get to see her...I'm sure she'll find her laugh by then. :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

....random thoughts....

To those of you non-teachers, 4 weeks sounds like the LONGEST vacation in the universe. For those of us who teach, only 4 weeks left-ahhhh! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to teach but sometimes it's just so nice to NOT be around 9 and 10 year olds all day. I've been enjoying my projects, sun bathing, gym classes, and not thinking about school. After a nice lunch with Marcy (my original teaching partner- love u marcy!) I realized I need to start to get my act together....not quite yet though!!

So 4 weeks left... 1 week I'll be in Ohio meeting the newest addition to my family- little miss avery mackenzie abeson. She'll be 2 months old when I finally get to hold her. I can't WAIT! I can't wait for the sweet baby smell, baby smiles, baby tears, baby diapers, baby bottles, but most of all just holding the baby! and NO! my biological clock is not ticking. Not to mention I get to visit with Amanda, Jeff, Keegan, and Bennett. It'll be so much funnnnn!

Then I get back and head to NY with Adam. Our first vacation together and I get to meet his family. I've met his mom and dad several times and if the rest of the Trinchetto clan is anything like the 3 I know, I think I'll love them to pieces. PLUS I get to see NYC for the first time ever- which is mainly why I want a new camera. I need to capture it all!! Who dares me to wear a red sox shirt around new york??? Maybe on the first day- when I get to make the big impression on the family??? .....maybe not. ;)

So that leaves me with 2...two weeks!!! I better check my t0-do list and make sure I get it all done before the chaos unfolds in August. Peace-out for now!

my newest hobby!

So.... I've discovered a new hobby. I have to be honest- I don't know the last time someone used the word "hobby" that a word from the past? Well, anyhow I saw these adorable bee cookie cutters at crate & barrel and HAD to get one! I'm part of a book club, "Little Bees," and I just needed to make us cookies! My previous post was a test run for the bees....but this is the REAL thing. I was quite pleased with how they came out.
(I'm still figuring out the blogging site so unfortunately the pics showed up in reverse order, grr!)

Here was the final product @ our book club meeting. Too cute!

The bee has sparkly wings and 3 little stripes.

A group of bees!

Just added sparkles

Monday, July 12, 2010

short & sweet

what i learned today: when you write, tell your story from the heart and mind. it will be the best story you ever write.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Something I am discovering this summer is how much I love projects! What did I do before I owned my own house??? One day this past week I found my inspiration and painted my 1/2 bath. It's now a beautiful shade of grey and has a big bright sunshiny yellow picture in it!

On this same day I decided to tackle something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I've been researching online for months how to make "professional" sugar cookies. I've always loved to bake- especially in my beautiful kitchen- and I found out a lot of things I never knew about these "cut-out cookies." There was a specific reason I wanted to make them, but I'll have to blog about that later (it's a secret for now!). So, I made the cookies. This was a serious project! Most of my time spent making these was WAITING. Put them in the fridge and wait 2 hours. Cut them out and refrigerate them. Do one section of frosting and WAIT. After all the waiting, I was pleased with my result. Not quite "professional," but the next batch will rock!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

admitting it is the first step.

Okay, I'm just curious here.... what exactly does Starbucks put in their drinks to make them taste so damn good?! I wake up with thoughts of coffee cups dancing in my head, seriously. I think Adam might think I'm a little crazy. He and I were just walking through the mall....minding our own business....and I could feel the pull of the was calling my name.... "briiiiiiannnne, you know you want me....... briiiiiannnne, just a little taste." I swear, they put crack in there. So nonchalantly, I say to Adam, "i think i'll grab a beverage on our way out." Immediately the conversation turns to laughter because he knew I would need to fill my addiction- that is what it is.

But this wasn't the only time this has happened. Some days I go to bed thinking, "I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a Starbucks Morning."--that's what I call them. Well, since vacation started, pretty much everyday has turned into a "starbucks morning."

Some might say my addiction started when I worked at Starbucks during college or when I worked there when I moved to Florida. But I say, "NO." I think the addiction is hereditary!! Look down the line: Mom- addicted. Dad-addicted. Sisters Brooke and Amanda-addicted. Burnett's (I think ALL of them- Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/2nd cousins)-addicted. The Starbucks craze may have started with Papa, I think he introduced it to the whole family.

I think the TRUE way you know you're addicted is when you go on vacation somewhere new and you're ALWAYS on the look-out. You spot one, and immediately you're heart skips a beat, and the little devil sitting on your shoulder starts acting up.
You walk into the store and instantly your nostrils are engulfed with that potent coffee-scent.
You're brain begins to relax, all stress leaves your body, you walk up to the counter and order your special beverage from the smiling barista.
The sounds of Frank Sinatra, a blender, the espresso machine, frothing of the milk--all begin to put you in a fully relaxed state.
You're drink is handed off and with the first sip, you know you're in heaven.

i'm addicted.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

i love to have things to look forward to

I was seriously worried as this school year came to a close. Don't get me wrong, I was SO excited to be on vacation and regroup myself away from 10 year olds. This summer is different though, for the past 5 years I've had summer courses to take through my school and I worked at Starbucks for a couple summers. I tried to get into some courses but they filled up too fast and there's NO way I'm going back to Starbucks (i prefer to go as a customer now!). So, happy as I was to have a break from work, what was I to do??

I knew for sure I'd be heading to Maine for Kayla's wedding in June and Ohio to meet Miss Avery in July....but other than that all I kept thinking was.... "I HATE being bored!!! I don't want to be bored!!!"

Bored, I am not! I'm learning how to relax and realizing I don't need to be busy 24/7. But most of all I have things to look forward to! Adam has 2 visits planned, I have an *anonymous* friend coming to visit in July, plus my trips, PLUS a surprise trip to NY! Not to mention, I have a list a mile long with things I want to improve on my house this summer. I've already organized the garage and repainted my bathroom.

What was I so worried for????

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

you gotta start somewhere!

I'm a writing teacher and I know how it feels when my students say, "I just don't know what to write about." You don't always write your most amazing pieces when you have set aside time to write. It just needs to come to you. Sometimes you just need to make a list (right Tara?!). So in taking my own advice, here's a list of things
I l-o-v-e, love!

~new-born baby cries~
~ice cream, especially mint chocolate chip!~
~new book scent~
~the first day of school~
~lake waves clapping on the shore~
~being in love~
~going out to lunch~
~iced nonfat chai @ starbucks~
~beach days~
~reading a good book cozied up on the couch~
~driving my red mazda~
~funny movies~
~bob mary wilson~
~sleeping in, but not TOO late!~
~beach during the day or night~
~being a tante~
~family time~
~key west colored water~