Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh, fall..... seems the older I get the more I miss fall in Maine.  It's crazy, really.  I start thinking about fresh crisp apples picked right off the tree.  Visions of pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin ANYTHING dancing in my head.  Cool, crisp earthy-air.... warmer clothes and cold noses.  And oh, how I miss the changing of the leaves.  Fall in Maine is spectacular and man, am I homesick!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

aaaahh.... work out!

So, I've had an on-again off-again relationship with the gym for about 3 years or so (or maybe my whole life).  I see the value in going and think it's important but sometimes my couch calls my name and I just don't wanna go!  Growing up I enjoyed sports and being outside.  I never really had to worry about weight-gain... I guess I was active enough to not have to worry about it.  I played basketball and softball, skied and rode my bike.  Most of my memories growing up involve something outdoors and active.  Somewhere between high school and now I've lost touch with my inner-athlete.  I guess I just didn't know what to do anymore.  It's not like I can go hop on my 10-speed and ride up and down the driveway like I used to!  I will say though since joining the Y 3 years or so ago I've learned to really enjoy (I don't know if I could say "LOVE" yet) some of the things I do.  I'm going to highlight 3 of them.

#1-- Spin
Not gunna lie- the first time I walked into the doors to the spin room I was a little intimidated.  I met the instructor, she set me up and THEN they turned the lights out!  A string of lights lit the room and the music was loud.  The first time I stood up on the pedals I thought I was going to be thrown from my bike--so at that point I was glad the lights were out!  ha.  After my first class I felt energized and I couldn't wait to go back.  (energized is NEVER the feeling I have anymore, I probably spent a lot of time just lost in the music and not doing what everyone else was doing!)  After returning and having the achiest butt ever I started to really like spin.  I got the hang of standing up and pedaling to the beat of the music.  Spin is one of my all-time favorite classes now...I even bought the spin shoes a year or so ago!  They say it burns close to 1,000 calories...but when I started wearing a HRM it tells me in the high 400's for a 35 minute class.  Not bad.  Not bad at all!


Ummmmm.... yeah.  Talk about intimidation.  Last spring Jamie (a fellow Y member and friend of mine) suggested I join her for boot camp.  My initial reaction was, NO WAY IN HELL.  Call me crazy, but the name alone scares the poop outta me.  I've peeked in the windows of boot camp before and they run around the room, lift weights, do push ups, jump rope....and all sorts of other crazy things that just don't look like fun to me.  I'll tell you, after the first boot camp I went to, I had NO desire to go back.  I was sore for like a week and getting up and down the stairs in my house was torture.  But I realized in my week-long-recovery that if I didn't go back I would go through that pain and agony when or if I returned.  And you know what?  I went back and the recovery time got shorter and shorter.  Sure, when I go I still get sore because the instructor makes us do all kinds of crazy things.  But it's a "good pain" when you're all done.... plus sometimes I'm more motivated when someone is making me do something!

#3--Body Pump

Man.... don't I look good in that pic?!  So body pump.... I discovered and fell instantly in love.  Yes, again I was sore for a week after my first experience but since then I've learned I need to go at least once a week to avoid it.  I love that we all get in this room and PUMP IRON!  Who wouldn't want to do that?  You feel so tough!!!  I also love that you work every muscle group in every class.  I also would LOVE for my body to be toned, so what better way?

So I've learned this-
1.  I do better in a class setting... where someone is helping to motivate me and keep me going.
2.  Music is powerful.  Lots of times if a good song comes on I don't even realize how hard I'm working.
3.  Working out is always better with friends, I wish more of mine went to the same gym as me.

Last but not least.... I will continue to harness my inner-athlete to stay fit and happy past my wedding day (which is a big motivator right now!).

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Goals are good!

Day 3 is done!  I'm feeling better about my classroom and have open house tomorrow.  I've been sitting through a bunch of meetings and a day full of training so far this week.  Tomorrow will be great because I can work in my classroom the WHOLE day!

I have a couple goals this year.  They'll definitely affect both me and my students.

Goal #1: STAY organized. 
After unpacking ALL my stuff I'm usually pretty organized.  But give me a week or so and there's always stacks of THINGS everywhere (on my desk, my table, my filing cabinets, etc.).  This year I'm hoping to eliminate the clutter!  I got this idea from pinterest and LOVED stashing papers in the drawers so I wouldn't have to LOOK at them today!

Is it bothering you that the words "copy, file and grade" aren't lined up?  It is me, just a little!

Here are more items I have organized this week:
My books are all set up and categorized!

Supply cabinet... you shoulda' seen it before, it was embarrassing!

Goal #2: Get better at teaching word work and stick with it!
I have a plan in place for achieving this goal... it's definitely something I have yet to learn.  Funny, college is supposed to prepare you for your career--not in this case!  I have yet to see any trainings in my district regarding this topic, pretty disappointing.  This will help my students with spelling as well as decoding unknown words.  

Some other things I've done......
Do you know what a PAIN it is to hook these babies up?  I was sweating.

Calendar is done and I made some new signs for stuff always written on the board, more organizing!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Playing School

Driving to school on Wednesday I found myself getting a little excited!  I used to love to play 'school' when I was little.  I even had a chalkboard on my bedroom wall.  When I got older we replaced the chalkboard with a white board.  You could smell the Expo markers down the hall from my room... I shoulda' known then that it was in the cards for me to become a teacher!

This is the sight I saw when I walked into my classroom on Wednesday...

 That bookshelf with stuff on it was actually empty, so this shows a little progress, but not much!

We have to pack everything up every summer so our floors and room can be cleaned... look how shiny the floor is!  The first visit to the room is always overwhelming.... where to start?  Well, after I unpacked my personal bookshelf I decided the room needed a little sprucing up.  So I started my word wall....
 Our theme this year is rock 'n roll, love this border Kristin found me!
Not the best photo, but you get the idea!
I downloaded this rock 'n roll font and LOVE it!

This was actually two days of work.  Also on the second day I started a second bulletin board.  Not sure what it will be used for, maybe something to go along with The Daily 5???  Who knows.

 I'm really into the zebra print... and of course my favorite color!

That's all for now.... next week I'll be back to the regular schedule.  Open house is next week so my room will be perfect by then!  I guess I still love to play 'school'!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

1 week left....

So I went from being SAD that the school year ended to comfortable with summer to NOT ready to go back to I want to go in right now!  What a roller coaster.  If only I could get into my classroom today and start 'playing!'

This hasn't been my typical summer vacation.  I usually go on a trip or two to visit friends or family.  But since we're wedding planning I decided I should be responsible and work at Menchie's.  I love Menchie's- trust me- but it just hasn't felt like 'vacation.'  I did take one full week off to enjoy my family and to get away with Adam...and that just made me want MORE summer!  However, in the past week I've found some teaching blogs and they're sparking some teachery-thoughts and creativity.  I'm almost thinking I might want to focus MY blog on the teaching aspect of my life.  I'll think about it, we'll see!

Here's one I found... I'm wondering if this writer lives in FL and where she teaches!

Oh Happy Day

Here's the second... I love the printables she includes.  I'll be using a bunch of her ideas this year!

Create Teach Share

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Have you heard it's raining in Florida???

I don't know if you've heard but there's some Tropical Storm (ahem, Debby) lingering over Florida.  Us Floridians are used to a summer shower each day lasting maybe an hour.  Well, the sun hasn't shown her face in something like 3 days now, or is it 4?  I've lost track.  This is getting a little ridiculous I must say.  (Notice the pool is close to overflowing??  They must've drained it because I'm sure the 200 inches of rain we've gotten should've made it go overboard by now.)   So in an effort to keep from going insane I'm going to make YOU a list of what to do on a rainy day!  Enjoy.

1. Read & finish 50 Shades of Grey
2.  Whine about the fact that you don't have book 2 yet.
3. Make brownies.... this isn't good when you're trying to lose weight for your wedding 8 months away.... but hey, you still have 8 months!
4. Play ball with your dog, indoors.  (Although this sounds unsafe, it just requires a little throw in the living room, just be sure not to hit the tv.)
5. Look through the pantry and fridge about 500 times for a snack.
6.  Watch tv... anything will do, but reality is the best kind.
7.  Try reading another book that's not book 2, all the while wishing Mr. Grey were the main character.
8.  Watch the rain fall sideways.
9.  Look through the fridge again.
10. Go to the gym because you need to work off said brownies.
11. Go on FB and post about the rain.
12.  Read favorite blogs online.
13.  Check to see if the pool is overflowing.
14.  Shop online because it's too much work with an umbrella.
15. Write a blog post.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Salad!

Have you ever made a new recipe, been excited to try something new for a change, and have it totally FLOP?!  Well, that won't happen with this one!!!  This morning I was looking for some new healthy options--it's time to think about my wedding 'bod.  I love salads and hate to admit that I fall back on the basic green salad far too often.  But this salad is much different!  What defines a salad anyway???  This particular one could make a delicious lunch (that's what I'm doing with leftovers tomorrow), a side for grilled chicken (which I did tonight), a salsa for a chicken taco...... the options are endless.  I halved the recipe, because I knew Adam wouldn't like it and it was plenty for my side dish and there's a bunch leftover for lunch and probably dinner tomorrow too.  I also subbed vidalia onions for the red onions (because I like them better.... and next time I'll probably go lighter on the onions).  The heat was PERFECT (except when I bit right into a jalapeno).  Do yourself a favor and go make this Grilled Corn Salad!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

What a year!

In 1 short week this school year comes to an end.  I'm usually counting down the days until summer vacation and freedom and sleeping in.... but instead this year I'm feeling a little nostalgic and sentimental!  Unlike most people I feel like my YEAR begins in August and ends in June.  This year in particular has been really great, here are some reason's why:

  • BEST class E.V.E.R. seriously, ever.  

  • Adam proposed, obviously!  

  • Adam graduated (although this wasn't MY accomplishment, I was by his side everyday!)

  • Renata gave me a new nephew!

  • I made my first Thanksgiving Turkey and meal to accompany it....mmmm turkey.

  • Adam and I made new friends with my new next-door-school-neighbor (Lindsay and Ronnie).
  • It wasn't just that my students ROCKED this year, it was their self-motivation... i LOVED it!

  • We started wedding planning, yay!
  • New Years trip to Savannah, 4 words: Paula Dean's Pot Pie.  yum.
  • I got to visit Maine and all the people I love there.

I'm sure there were plenty more things that happened, but those are the few that stand out :)  I'll be sad to see this "year" end..... but SO happy it all happened the way it did.  xo

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What happened???

I was doing so well posting for a few days there.... then I was less than inspired.  BUT.... here's some fun news.... I planted cucumbers back in April and look at the progress!

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

So far there aren't any cucumbers or buds for flowers, but I think they'll be coming soon.  It's so fun to see their progress each week.  What will I make with all my cukes?!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Oh Baby!

Goosebumps.  That's what I had when I got a text last week from my oldest friend telling me she was at the hospital in labor.  For the following 10 or so hours I was checking my phone to find out... BOY or GIRL?!  I was convinced Renata was having a girl.  I had dreams about it and the closer she got to her due date I just knew it was a girl.  Well, BOY was I wrong!  She now has a beautiful baby boy, Parker Maxwell.  I cannot express the feelings I had when she called to tell me she was a mommy-ecstatic, proud, psyched, giddy, sentimental.   Going to visit her new little family was definitely the highlight of last week for me.  I went down to meet Parker on Friday and spent 2 hours holding his sweet self.

Renata has always been baby-crazy and I knew she'd be a great mom.  Just days into actual motherhood and she's a natural.  Patrick admitted to me the nerves leading up to Parker's birthday, but said now it's all worth it.  He's doing an amazing job helping out as much as he can... changing diapers, getting Parker to stop crying once I mess with him....

Needless to say, I have one sweet new nephew and he has some great parents!  Love you guys!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Grilled Wings

Okay, so Adam requested wings this week on the new grill.  I was pretty psyched... it's something different from what we normally grill, plus I LOVE wings!  I don't know that I've ever grilled any before and I have to say I was slightly mortified when I pulled them out of the nice neat package and they looked like this:

Gross!  But nothing a couple glasses of Pinot Grigio can't fix...

I sprinkled the wings with just a little salt, pepper, and garlic...just like mom and dad make.  Crossed my fingers and hoped for the best!

This is when they started to look good!  I grilled them on medium/low heat for 20ish minutes... until they looked like this:

Although I had some reservations, these wings turned out delicious!  They were good just like this and also I dipped some in blue cheese and hot sauce.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Grilled Pizza- Whaaaaat?!

My parents got Adam and I an early birthday gift last week- a new grill!  Unfortunately due to our busy schedules, I didn't get to play with the new grill until today.  When creating our menu this week, I wanted to use the grill every night!  The first thing I thought to make was grilled pizza.  Adam looked at me like I was nuts.... suggesting burgers or steak.  I wanted to try the nontraditional route first.  With a little help from Annie's Eats Blog I was ready to test it out!  The great thing about grilling pizza is, it takes 1/2 the time to our growling tummies didn't have to wait too long to bite into this deliciousness.  I bought fresh dough at Publix, but you could create your own if you want.
First I sprayed the grill with some oil and heated it up.  I cut the dough in half so Adam and I could have our own little pizzas.  In the future I would do this, I think it was easier to manage 2 small pizzas.  Once the grill was heated I put the dough on the oiled rack.
I closed the lid, lowered the heat to medium, and went to prep my toppings.  I was probably gone for 4-5 minutes.  When I returned, look what I found:
I flipped the pies over onto the unheated side of my grill.  If I were using a grill with only one burner I would remove the shells for the next step.  Armed with my toppings, I started decorating the pizza shells and then moved them over to the hot side for another 5 minutes.
Adam wanted a traditional cheese (I use Prego's traditional sauce as pizza sauce, it's way yummy!) and I made an olive oil/garlic/Italian seasoning with mozzarella, parmesan, romano cheeses with fresh tomatoes.  Yum!

Here is the end result:

Needless to say, we BOTH loved my creation!  As usual Adam acted like it was his great idea.