Tuesday, September 4, 2012

aaaahh.... work out!

So, I've had an on-again off-again relationship with the gym for about 3 years or so (or maybe my whole life).  I see the value in going and think it's important but sometimes my couch calls my name and I just don't wanna go!  Growing up I enjoyed sports and being outside.  I never really had to worry about weight-gain... I guess I was active enough to not have to worry about it.  I played basketball and softball, skied and rode my bike.  Most of my memories growing up involve something outdoors and active.  Somewhere between high school and now I've lost touch with my inner-athlete.  I guess I just didn't know what to do anymore.  It's not like I can go hop on my 10-speed and ride up and down the driveway like I used to!  I will say though since joining the Y 3 years or so ago I've learned to really enjoy (I don't know if I could say "LOVE" yet) some of the things I do.  I'm going to highlight 3 of them.

#1-- Spin
Not gunna lie- the first time I walked into the doors to the spin room I was a little intimidated.  I met the instructor, she set me up and THEN they turned the lights out!  A string of lights lit the room and the music was loud.  The first time I stood up on the pedals I thought I was going to be thrown from my bike--so at that point I was glad the lights were out!  ha.  After my first class I felt energized and I couldn't wait to go back.  (energized is NEVER the feeling I have anymore, I probably spent a lot of time just lost in the music and not doing what everyone else was doing!)  After returning and having the achiest butt ever I started to really like spin.  I got the hang of standing up and pedaling to the beat of the music.  Spin is one of my all-time favorite classes now...I even bought the spin shoes a year or so ago!  They say it burns close to 1,000 calories...but when I started wearing a HRM it tells me in the high 400's for a 35 minute class.  Not bad.  Not bad at all!


Ummmmm.... yeah.  Talk about intimidation.  Last spring Jamie (a fellow Y member and friend of mine) suggested I join her for boot camp.  My initial reaction was, NO WAY IN HELL.  Call me crazy, but the name alone scares the poop outta me.  I've peeked in the windows of boot camp before and they run around the room, lift weights, do push ups, jump rope....and all sorts of other crazy things that just don't look like fun to me.  I'll tell you, after the first boot camp I went to, I had NO desire to go back.  I was sore for like a week and getting up and down the stairs in my house was torture.  But I realized in my week-long-recovery that if I didn't go back I would go through that pain and agony when or if I returned.  And you know what?  I went back and the recovery time got shorter and shorter.  Sure, when I go I still get sore because the instructor makes us do all kinds of crazy things.  But it's a "good pain" when you're all done.... plus sometimes I'm more motivated when someone is making me do something!

#3--Body Pump

Man.... don't I look good in that pic?!  So body pump.... I discovered and fell instantly in love.  Yes, again I was sore for a week after my first experience but since then I've learned I need to go at least once a week to avoid it.  I love that we all get in this room and PUMP IRON!  Who wouldn't want to do that?  You feel so tough!!!  I also love that you work every muscle group in every class.  I also would LOVE for my body to be toned, so what better way?

So I've learned this-
1.  I do better in a class setting... where someone is helping to motivate me and keep me going.
2.  Music is powerful.  Lots of times if a good song comes on I don't even realize how hard I'm working.
3.  Working out is always better with friends, I wish more of mine went to the same gym as me.

Last but not least.... I will continue to harness my inner-athlete to stay fit and happy past my wedding day (which is a big motivator right now!).

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