Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Goals are good!

Day 3 is done!  I'm feeling better about my classroom and have open house tomorrow.  I've been sitting through a bunch of meetings and a day full of training so far this week.  Tomorrow will be great because I can work in my classroom the WHOLE day!

I have a couple goals this year.  They'll definitely affect both me and my students.

Goal #1: STAY organized. 
After unpacking ALL my stuff I'm usually pretty organized.  But give me a week or so and there's always stacks of THINGS everywhere (on my desk, my table, my filing cabinets, etc.).  This year I'm hoping to eliminate the clutter!  I got this idea from pinterest and LOVED stashing papers in the drawers so I wouldn't have to LOOK at them today!

Is it bothering you that the words "copy, file and grade" aren't lined up?  It is me, just a little!

Here are more items I have organized this week:
My books are all set up and categorized!

Supply cabinet... you shoulda' seen it before, it was embarrassing!

Goal #2: Get better at teaching word work and stick with it!
I have a plan in place for achieving this goal... it's definitely something I have yet to learn.  Funny, college is supposed to prepare you for your career--not in this case!  I have yet to see any trainings in my district regarding this topic, pretty disappointing.  This will help my students with spelling as well as decoding unknown words.  

Some other things I've done......
Do you know what a PAIN it is to hook these babies up?  I was sweating.

Calendar is done and I made some new signs for stuff always written on the board, more organizing!

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