Sunday, April 22, 2012

Grilled Pizza- Whaaaaat?!

My parents got Adam and I an early birthday gift last week- a new grill!  Unfortunately due to our busy schedules, I didn't get to play with the new grill until today.  When creating our menu this week, I wanted to use the grill every night!  The first thing I thought to make was grilled pizza.  Adam looked at me like I was nuts.... suggesting burgers or steak.  I wanted to try the nontraditional route first.  With a little help from Annie's Eats Blog I was ready to test it out!  The great thing about grilling pizza is, it takes 1/2 the time to our growling tummies didn't have to wait too long to bite into this deliciousness.  I bought fresh dough at Publix, but you could create your own if you want.
First I sprayed the grill with some oil and heated it up.  I cut the dough in half so Adam and I could have our own little pizzas.  In the future I would do this, I think it was easier to manage 2 small pizzas.  Once the grill was heated I put the dough on the oiled rack.
I closed the lid, lowered the heat to medium, and went to prep my toppings.  I was probably gone for 4-5 minutes.  When I returned, look what I found:
I flipped the pies over onto the unheated side of my grill.  If I were using a grill with only one burner I would remove the shells for the next step.  Armed with my toppings, I started decorating the pizza shells and then moved them over to the hot side for another 5 minutes.
Adam wanted a traditional cheese (I use Prego's traditional sauce as pizza sauce, it's way yummy!) and I made an olive oil/garlic/Italian seasoning with mozzarella, parmesan, romano cheeses with fresh tomatoes.  Yum!

Here is the end result:

Needless to say, we BOTH loved my creation!  As usual Adam acted like it was his great idea. 


  1. Looks sure yummy, was very curious regarding grilling pizza. Happy for your success.

  2. Happy Birthday, Brianne & Adam! I love that you tried pizza first, I've considered it but never braved it. You'll be the masters at grilling for the big party on May 5th.

    1. it's definitely worth a try... probably the easiest thing i've ever grilled! dinner done in 10 mins!

  3. Mmmm, yummy!!! Nice job!!! And, what a great idea!! We might have to attempt that one:) Love ya!

  4. I'm so doing this......thanks for making it look so easy, Brianne. xoxoxox
