Friday, July 30, 2010

cutest baby...ever!

Okay...I don't think I'm being partial because I'm related to little miss avery mackenzie, but seriously people. She's the cutest thing of 2010. I'm officially giving her the award. If People magazine made a cutest baby edition, she would be on the cover, for sure! I was sooooooo excited to go to Ohio...and had been looking forward to the trip since May 25th. It had been about 8 years since I held a baby but within 5 minutes of holding Avery, I was a pro again! The best thing about the timing of the trip was that she was beginning to smile and would almost get into a laugh. Her face did the laughing movement, but there wasn't any sound. TOO cute! So I spent 6 days in baby bliss! Avery is such a happy baby and this made her Tante (me) very happy. I don't know about you, but when babies cry it makes me sweat! This girl rarely cries. Maybe she's hungry, has a tummy ache, or just needs her pacifier...other than that she's a wiggly smiling girl! I can't wait for the next time I get to see her...I'm sure she'll find her laugh by then. :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

....random thoughts....

To those of you non-teachers, 4 weeks sounds like the LONGEST vacation in the universe. For those of us who teach, only 4 weeks left-ahhhh! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to teach but sometimes it's just so nice to NOT be around 9 and 10 year olds all day. I've been enjoying my projects, sun bathing, gym classes, and not thinking about school. After a nice lunch with Marcy (my original teaching partner- love u marcy!) I realized I need to start to get my act together....not quite yet though!!

So 4 weeks left... 1 week I'll be in Ohio meeting the newest addition to my family- little miss avery mackenzie abeson. She'll be 2 months old when I finally get to hold her. I can't WAIT! I can't wait for the sweet baby smell, baby smiles, baby tears, baby diapers, baby bottles, but most of all just holding the baby! and NO! my biological clock is not ticking. Not to mention I get to visit with Amanda, Jeff, Keegan, and Bennett. It'll be so much funnnnn!

Then I get back and head to NY with Adam. Our first vacation together and I get to meet his family. I've met his mom and dad several times and if the rest of the Trinchetto clan is anything like the 3 I know, I think I'll love them to pieces. PLUS I get to see NYC for the first time ever- which is mainly why I want a new camera. I need to capture it all!! Who dares me to wear a red sox shirt around new york??? Maybe on the first day- when I get to make the big impression on the family??? .....maybe not. ;)

So that leaves me with 2...two weeks!!! I better check my t0-do list and make sure I get it all done before the chaos unfolds in August. Peace-out for now!

my newest hobby!

So.... I've discovered a new hobby. I have to be honest- I don't know the last time someone used the word "hobby" that a word from the past? Well, anyhow I saw these adorable bee cookie cutters at crate & barrel and HAD to get one! I'm part of a book club, "Little Bees," and I just needed to make us cookies! My previous post was a test run for the bees....but this is the REAL thing. I was quite pleased with how they came out.
(I'm still figuring out the blogging site so unfortunately the pics showed up in reverse order, grr!)

Here was the final product @ our book club meeting. Too cute!

The bee has sparkly wings and 3 little stripes.

A group of bees!

Just added sparkles

Monday, July 12, 2010

short & sweet

what i learned today: when you write, tell your story from the heart and mind. it will be the best story you ever write.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Something I am discovering this summer is how much I love projects! What did I do before I owned my own house??? One day this past week I found my inspiration and painted my 1/2 bath. It's now a beautiful shade of grey and has a big bright sunshiny yellow picture in it!

On this same day I decided to tackle something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I've been researching online for months how to make "professional" sugar cookies. I've always loved to bake- especially in my beautiful kitchen- and I found out a lot of things I never knew about these "cut-out cookies." There was a specific reason I wanted to make them, but I'll have to blog about that later (it's a secret for now!). So, I made the cookies. This was a serious project! Most of my time spent making these was WAITING. Put them in the fridge and wait 2 hours. Cut them out and refrigerate them. Do one section of frosting and WAIT. After all the waiting, I was pleased with my result. Not quite "professional," but the next batch will rock!