Sunday, June 27, 2010

admitting it is the first step.

Okay, I'm just curious here.... what exactly does Starbucks put in their drinks to make them taste so damn good?! I wake up with thoughts of coffee cups dancing in my head, seriously. I think Adam might think I'm a little crazy. He and I were just walking through the mall....minding our own business....and I could feel the pull of the was calling my name.... "briiiiiiannnne, you know you want me....... briiiiiannnne, just a little taste." I swear, they put crack in there. So nonchalantly, I say to Adam, "i think i'll grab a beverage on our way out." Immediately the conversation turns to laughter because he knew I would need to fill my addiction- that is what it is.

But this wasn't the only time this has happened. Some days I go to bed thinking, "I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a Starbucks Morning."--that's what I call them. Well, since vacation started, pretty much everyday has turned into a "starbucks morning."

Some might say my addiction started when I worked at Starbucks during college or when I worked there when I moved to Florida. But I say, "NO." I think the addiction is hereditary!! Look down the line: Mom- addicted. Dad-addicted. Sisters Brooke and Amanda-addicted. Burnett's (I think ALL of them- Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/2nd cousins)-addicted. The Starbucks craze may have started with Papa, I think he introduced it to the whole family.

I think the TRUE way you know you're addicted is when you go on vacation somewhere new and you're ALWAYS on the look-out. You spot one, and immediately you're heart skips a beat, and the little devil sitting on your shoulder starts acting up.
You walk into the store and instantly your nostrils are engulfed with that potent coffee-scent.
You're brain begins to relax, all stress leaves your body, you walk up to the counter and order your special beverage from the smiling barista.
The sounds of Frank Sinatra, a blender, the espresso machine, frothing of the milk--all begin to put you in a fully relaxed state.
You're drink is handed off and with the first sip, you know you're in heaven.

i'm addicted.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

i love to have things to look forward to

I was seriously worried as this school year came to a close. Don't get me wrong, I was SO excited to be on vacation and regroup myself away from 10 year olds. This summer is different though, for the past 5 years I've had summer courses to take through my school and I worked at Starbucks for a couple summers. I tried to get into some courses but they filled up too fast and there's NO way I'm going back to Starbucks (i prefer to go as a customer now!). So, happy as I was to have a break from work, what was I to do??

I knew for sure I'd be heading to Maine for Kayla's wedding in June and Ohio to meet Miss Avery in July....but other than that all I kept thinking was.... "I HATE being bored!!! I don't want to be bored!!!"

Bored, I am not! I'm learning how to relax and realizing I don't need to be busy 24/7. But most of all I have things to look forward to! Adam has 2 visits planned, I have an *anonymous* friend coming to visit in July, plus my trips, PLUS a surprise trip to NY! Not to mention, I have a list a mile long with things I want to improve on my house this summer. I've already organized the garage and repainted my bathroom.

What was I so worried for????

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

you gotta start somewhere!

I'm a writing teacher and I know how it feels when my students say, "I just don't know what to write about." You don't always write your most amazing pieces when you have set aside time to write. It just needs to come to you. Sometimes you just need to make a list (right Tara?!). So in taking my own advice, here's a list of things
I l-o-v-e, love!

~new-born baby cries~
~ice cream, especially mint chocolate chip!~
~new book scent~
~the first day of school~
~lake waves clapping on the shore~
~being in love~
~going out to lunch~
~iced nonfat chai @ starbucks~
~beach days~
~reading a good book cozied up on the couch~
~driving my red mazda~
~funny movies~
~bob mary wilson~
~sleeping in, but not TOO late!~
~beach during the day or night~
~being a tante~
~family time~
~key west colored water~