Okay, I'm just curious here.... what exactly does Starbucks put in their drinks to make them taste so damn good?! I wake up with thoughts of coffee cups dancing in my head, seriously. I think Adam might think I'm a little crazy. He and I were just walking through the mall....minding our own business....and I could feel the pull of the caffeine....it was calling my name.... "briiiiiiannnne, you know you want me....... briiiiiannnne, just a little taste." I swear, they put crack in there. So nonchalantly, I say to Adam, "i think i'll grab a beverage on our way out." Immediately the conversation turns to laughter because he knew I would need to fill my addiction- that is what it is.
But this wasn't the only time this has happened. Some days I go to bed thinking, "I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a Starbucks Morning."--that's what I call them. Well, since vacation started, pretty much everyday has turned into a "starbucks morning."
Some might say my addiction started when I worked at Starbucks during college or when I worked there when I moved to Florida. But I say, "NO." I think the addiction is hereditary!! Look down the line: Mom- addicted. Dad-addicted. Sisters Brooke and Amanda-addicted. Burnett's (I think ALL of them- Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/2nd cousins)-addicted. The Starbucks craze may have started with Papa, I think he introduced it to the whole family.
I think the TRUE way you know you're addicted is when you go on vacation somewhere new and you're ALWAYS on the look-out. You spot one, and immediately you're heart skips a beat, and the little devil sitting on your shoulder starts acting up.
You walk into the store and instantly your nostrils are engulfed with that potent coffee-scent.
You're brain begins to relax, all stress leaves your body, you walk up to the counter and order your special beverage from the smiling barista.
The sounds of Frank Sinatra, a blender, the espresso machine, frothing of the milk--all begin to put you in a fully relaxed state.
You're drink is handed off and with the first sip, you know you're in heaven.
i'm addicted.