Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Have you heard it's raining in Florida???

I don't know if you've heard but there's some Tropical Storm (ahem, Debby) lingering over Florida.  Us Floridians are used to a summer shower each day lasting maybe an hour.  Well, the sun hasn't shown her face in something like 3 days now, or is it 4?  I've lost track.  This is getting a little ridiculous I must say.  (Notice the pool is close to overflowing??  They must've drained it because I'm sure the 200 inches of rain we've gotten should've made it go overboard by now.)   So in an effort to keep from going insane I'm going to make YOU a list of what to do on a rainy day!  Enjoy.

1. Read & finish 50 Shades of Grey
2.  Whine about the fact that you don't have book 2 yet.
3. Make brownies.... this isn't good when you're trying to lose weight for your wedding 8 months away.... but hey, you still have 8 months!
4. Play ball with your dog, indoors.  (Although this sounds unsafe, it just requires a little throw in the living room, just be sure not to hit the tv.)
5. Look through the pantry and fridge about 500 times for a snack.
6.  Watch tv... anything will do, but reality is the best kind.
7.  Try reading another book that's not book 2, all the while wishing Mr. Grey were the main character.
8.  Watch the rain fall sideways.
9.  Look through the fridge again.
10. Go to the gym because you need to work off said brownies.
11. Go on FB and post about the rain.
12.  Read favorite blogs online.
13.  Check to see if the pool is overflowing.
14.  Shop online because it's too much work with an umbrella.
15. Write a blog post.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Salad!

Have you ever made a new recipe, been excited to try something new for a change, and have it totally FLOP?!  Well, that won't happen with this one!!!  This morning I was looking for some new healthy options--it's time to think about my wedding 'bod.  I love salads and hate to admit that I fall back on the basic green salad far too often.  But this salad is much different!  What defines a salad anyway???  This particular one could make a delicious lunch (that's what I'm doing with leftovers tomorrow), a side for grilled chicken (which I did tonight), a salsa for a chicken taco...... the options are endless.  I halved the recipe, because I knew Adam wouldn't like it and it was plenty for my side dish and there's a bunch leftover for lunch and probably dinner tomorrow too.  I also subbed vidalia onions for the red onions (because I like them better.... and next time I'll probably go lighter on the onions).  The heat was PERFECT (except when I bit right into a jalapeno).  Do yourself a favor and go make this Grilled Corn Salad!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

What a year!

In 1 short week this school year comes to an end.  I'm usually counting down the days until summer vacation and freedom and sleeping in.... but instead this year I'm feeling a little nostalgic and sentimental!  Unlike most people I feel like my YEAR begins in August and ends in June.  This year in particular has been really great, here are some reason's why:

  • BEST class E.V.E.R.  ....no seriously, ever.  

  • Adam proposed, obviously!  

  • Adam graduated (although this wasn't MY accomplishment, I was by his side everyday!)

  • Renata gave me a new nephew!

  • I made my first Thanksgiving Turkey and meal to accompany it....mmmm turkey.

  • Adam and I made new friends with my new next-door-school-neighbor (Lindsay and Ronnie).
  • It wasn't just that my students ROCKED this year, it was their self-motivation... i LOVED it!

  • We started wedding planning, yay!
  • New Years trip to Savannah, 4 words: Paula Dean's Pot Pie.  yum.
  • I got to visit Maine and all the people I love there.

I'm sure there were plenty more things that happened, but those are the few that stand out :)  I'll be sad to see this "year" end..... but SO happy it all happened the way it did.  xo