1. Read & finish 50 Shades of Grey
2. Whine about the fact that you don't have book 2 yet.
3. Make brownies.... this isn't good when you're trying to lose weight for your wedding 8 months away.... but hey, you still have 8 months!
4. Play ball with your dog, indoors. (Although this sounds unsafe, it just requires a little throw in the living room, just be sure not to hit the tv.)
5. Look through the pantry and fridge about 500 times for a snack.
6. Watch tv... anything will do, but reality is the best kind.
7. Try reading another book that's not book 2, all the while wishing Mr. Grey were the main character.
8. Watch the rain fall sideways.
9. Look through the fridge again.
10. Go to the gym because you need to work off said brownies.
11. Go on FB and post about the rain.
12. Read favorite blogs online.
13. Check to see if the pool is overflowing.
14. Shop online because it's too much work with an umbrella.
15. Write a blog post.