Thursday, April 14, 2011

Proud to be a Teacher pt.2

Growing up I didn't always *dream* of being a teacher. In fact all I can ever remember wanting to be was an artist. Well, I can color.....and that's about all! So when the whole artist idea didn't pan out I decided I would go to college. What for? Well, I applied to UMaine as a business student. Why?? I have no idea! Before I enrolled in classes I looked into Environmental Science. I took a class in High School that inspired that and decided it was a good idea. Took some classes and when the 2nd semester rolled around I found myself enrolled in a class from hell: chemistry! Man, do I HATE chemistry!!! So that triggered me to switch BACK to Business. I still am not sure why. Economics as it turns out is JUST as bad as chemistry. Who knew? So what did I do??? Switched to communications. Everyone else was doing it, so why not me?? After a semester of THOSE classes, I was doing some soul searching....and spending LOTS of time with my brand-new niece and as much time as I could with my brand-new twin nephews. The more I thought about kids the more it seemed like the right choice for me. I couldn't think of any reasons NOT to major in Elementary Education, so I did it. It took a lot of work.....see how many semesters I wasted in the meantime?!?! I caught up by taking summer courses and a packed schedule and I was even placed as a junior with incoming freshmen in some classes. But in the end I graduated with my Elementary Degree.

So that brings me to today. I've been teaching for 6 years...and loving it each and every year. I have had a rough 8 months this year but they say every once and awhile you get a "rough" group and then the next year is even better. Here's hoping! But even in this rough patch I can find light in some of my students....there's always a few to keep me going and trying MY best. Many times it's the strugglers who keep me on my toes. They are reading SO low (say 1st grade level in 4th grade) and just treading water to keep up. But these kids who keep treading, with a smile on their face no less, are the ones I remember!

Then there's the kids who say the funniest things.... without realizing it. A couple years ago I had a girl who told me she wanted to be a Vegetarian when she grew up. I thought she meant a Veterinarian, but she assured me that I was wrong.
I had another student this year tell me a "food chain" (think science term) was a place like McDonald's.
Then just yesterday a boy told me that he had something sticky in his pocket....and it wasn't the jelly beans he had in there. (Why on earth did he have jelly beans in his pocket of all places?!)

These are the things that keep me going during these rough times. The kids are WHY I'm a teacher and I am thankful for all the lessons they teach me- without even knowing it. They make me appreciate having parents who care about me and love me unconditionally and gave me their full attention for as long as I need(ed) it. I am so thankful to have come from a FAMILY who is close and caring and supportive. I am so thankful that I grew up in a HOUSE not in a car or from apartment to apartment. I am thankful for running water and electricity and having food on my table every night. Things are changing in our world and I'm seeing it everyday in my classroom.

The rough times are not nearly over, but try to find a little light in it all.

1 comment:

  1. That was super duper duper duper fantastic! I would have said that even if you'd left the part out about your super duper duper amazing family. But what came to my mind as I was reading it was that you have always loved children -- you were always pointing out the cute ones since you were knee high to a grasshopper. You'd come home from work raving about this cute kid or that baby that you encountered that day. The love and affection (and discipline) that you lavish on your nieces and nephews is so heart warming to ME!!! Not only do you teach your 4th graders, but you teach everyone around you and you don't even realize it. YOU even teach ME -- I love that! And I love you and I'm always pround when I say "My daughter is a 4th grade teacher" -- So proud!
