Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cookie Fun!

Part of getting into the Christmas Spirit is baking up a storm!!! From as far back as I can remember, baking cookies and other various goodies has surrounded December 25th. I remember being knee-high to a grasshopper and my mom lining the countertops with fudge, nedhams, thumbprints, peanut butter blossoms, spritz, and many other cookies. Of course it was always a convenient gift to give friends and co-workers...not to mention she had 3 girls and a husband who all LOVED her confections!
There was one day in particular I LOVED before Christmas though. It was our cookie-decorating day. Mom's friend Candy would come over with her two girls- Kiley and Kristen. We would literally spend what felt like the entire day creating the most beautiful cookies! All the kids would try to make the BEST-decorated cookies. Meanwhile the adults would create "naughty cookies." No wonder Santa never came for them! I can remember singing along to the Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers Christmas CD.... and the soundtrack to The Sound of Music. ...oh to be little again!

So it's no wonder as the 25th approaches I start getting the itch to bake. This Saturday I loaded the Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers CD into the player and sang along while creating some cookies. Man, if only we could've created some cookies this awesome when we were little....

This one is my fave: